
September 2023 


The orchestra’s next meeting, in person, will be on Monday September 18th at 7:30pm to 9:30pm in a new location at the Veterans Memorial Senior Center, 1455 Madison Avenue at St. Francis St., Redwood City, https://tinyurl.com/Meeting-Map. This meeting can also be attended online via Zoom, see the Conductor’s Corner below for details.


All members, new and old, are requested to fill out a membership form, included at the end of this newsletter and which can also be found on MPRO’s website, https://mpro-online.org  This will insure that our records are up to date. The completed membership form can be returned by either emailing a copy to MPRO at midpeninsularecorderorchestra@gmail.com, or by bringing it to the first rehearsal meeting that you attend. In either case dues can be paid at the rehearsal meeting.

There are three board positions open, Workshop Coordinator, Publicity, and Hospitality. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions.


Dear members of the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra,

Welcome back to MPRO and a season of fine music making as the orchestra resumes live meetings and concerts. For those who are located too far to attend in person, I am pleased to announce that the meetings will also be streamed via Zoom. Ray White will be sending out invitations to al MPRO members with links to these hybrid Zoom meetings. Please contact him at <rayhwhite@yahoo.com> if you do not receive an invitation.

Listed below is the music for the first three meetings of the orchestra’s current season. This music has already been sent out to the orchestra’s membership along with part assignments. Please note that sopranino and contrabass recorders as well as bassoon will be needed at all three meetings and that krummhorns are called for on September 18. Finally, everyone is asked to practice and become familiar with the scheduled music before the first meeting in September.

September 18

Schein: Suite No. 15

Grieg: The Last Spring

Susato: Pavane Bittre Reue

Corelli: Sonata Op. 4

October 2

Corelli: Sonata Op. 4

Josquin: Mille regretz

Schein: Suite No. 15

October 16

Schein: Suite No. 15

Corelli: Sonata Op. 4

Dufay: Quel fronte signorille

I look forward to working with you again in person in September and

encourage you to let any of your friends who play early instruments know

about the orchestra’s activities this season and invite them to attend our upcoming meetings.

Sincerely, Fred Palmer



East Bay Recorder Society is holding a workshop on October 9th in El Cerrito, lead by Glen Shannon. See the the flyer below for details.

MPRO Instrument Lending Library

The MPRO Board has decided to offer a new benefit to MPRO Participating Members -- the MPRO Instrument Lending Library! 

MPRO has received donations of instruments (recorders and other early music instruments) over the years, and we occasionally purchase specialty instruments for use by the orchestra members in concerts (such as the Paezold Contrabass recorder). These instruments are now available for MPRO Participating Members to borrow. The complete list of instruments can be found here:

MPRO Instruments for Loan

The program rules are simple.  Anyone wishing to borrow an instrument from the Instrument Lending Library should contact Dan Chernikoff at a meeting or send an email to him at Webmaster, and describe what instrument you want to borrow.  Once you receive the instrument, you promise to:

Instruments to borrow include plastic and wooden Soprano/Tenor/Alto/Bass recorders, some exotic Early Music instruments such as Krummhorns, a Kortholt, a Raushpfeife, a Cornetto, and even some modern instruments such as a student Clarinet and a tin whistle!  We hope you all will appreciate this new benefit of being an MPRO Participating Member!

The Board:

President: Kathrin Hoffnagle

Treasurers: Chantal Moser and Mary Ashley

Membership: Chris Flake

Publicity: vacant

Graphics: Mary Ashley

Newsletter Editor: Tom Granvold

Virtual Meeting Host: Ray White

Workshop Coordinator: vacant

Hospitality: vacant

Music Sales: Laura Gonsalves

Webmaster: Dan Chernikoff

Music Director: Fred Palmer

MPRO website: https://www.mpro-online.org


I am am:

  New Member wishing to Join MPRO. (New members for the

      2023-24 season get a 50% discount for the first year).

  Current Member, renewing my membership.

. Current Member, updating my records.

Name: ________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

Phone: home/cell ____________________________

work ____________________________

E-mail address: ____________________________

Membership Type:

  Participating member ($160.00 dues.)

  Student member ($60.00 dues, for younger participating members

      who are students in school, grades 4- 12.)

  Associate member ($40.00 dues. Receives newsletter and member

      discount for workshops and special events.)

  Interest-only list (Interested in receiving Concert and Workshop

      notifications). Scholarship assistance is available.

Recorders I can play in performances (list in order of preference):

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

Other instruments/vocal parts I can play in performances:



Other performance experience:



Past Months' Issues: https://www.mpro-online.org/MPROArchives.htm