Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra Newsletter



Grace and Liz As the ghosts of HALLOWEEN PAST descend upon us with their nocturnal boos and felines hisses, we are trilled to hear the melifluous sounds of our PRESIDENT PAST. It is an October Fest when Tony shares his investigative reporting – a talent we have groan to appreciate. So “Shine On, Shine On Harvest Moon” for Anthony Jackson and the following:

Grace and Liz (Co-Presidents)

The Recorder Music Center

My source of information for this came from the several issues of the American Recorder Magazine and what is being presented here is my summary of that information. (Refer to Monthly issues The American Recorder from May 2004 - Sept. 2006)

On July 28-31, 2005, many of the Bay Area early music performers attended the ARS's inauguration of its first international conference and festival. Bill Lazar attended the affair because of business reasons no doubt, but I am also going to select him now as a representative from MPRO. The review of the Conference appeared the September 2005 issue of the American Recorder magazine. The Conference was held in Denver, Co. on the campus of Regis University and not only was this the first such Conference, but it introduced and opened to the public the Recorder Music Center (RMC).

The chief purpose of the message is give some information about the Recorder Music Center. - it's history and purpose. Dr. Mark Davenport is the Director of RMC: he holds M.M. and Ph.D. degrees in musicology from the University of Colorado in Boulder. He joined the music faculty at Regis University located in Denver in 1998. The articles written by Dr. Davenport in the American Recorder magazine, indicated that in 1999 when his father, LaNoue Davenport, passed away. he inherited a substantial collection of recorder music, etc. that had been accumulating from at least the late 1940's.

While in graduate school, Dr. Mark Davenport established a close relationship with his advisor, Dr. Gordon Sanford, who taught musicology and directed the Collegium for 35 years at the University of Colorado. Dr. Mark Davenport had been considering starting a collection of Recorder Music, and when Dr. Sanford heard of those plans, he donated his extensive collection for that purpose. These collections resulted in Dr. Davenport and other members of the ARS's Board of Directors collaborating with significant Universities and interested people in setting up the Recorder Music Center at Regis University.

The RMC exists primarily to serve the recorder player and other enthusiasts of Early Music.
Its purposes are:

  1. Provide a international repository for recorder music and serve as a full-research center.
  2. Support academic programs and performance ensembles through the Dept. of Fine and Performing Arts Music Programs at Regis University.
  3. House important music collections, many donated by individuals. In addition to recorder music, sets of significance music for other early instruments and voices are included. The collection includes Books, Recordings, personal papers, Instruments, Art & Musical manuscripts.
Dr. Davenport, in his RMC update published in September 2006 American Recorder magazine, ended his article with the following: "We hope that ARS members will take advantage of the services provided by the Recorder Music Center - and we encourage you to continue to think of the RMC if you have donations of recorder music, instruments or other materials relating to the activities and development of the recorder movement."

Some of the collections in the Recorder Music Center include the following:

Finally, I want you know that music played by MPRO arranged by Fred Palmer, our Music Director, will be deposited in the new Recorder Music Center. You never know who you maybe hanging out with these days!

Anthony Jackson


Dear members of the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra,

Listed below is the music for the next two meetings of the orchestra. Please note that great bass and contrabass recorders as well as bass viola da gamba will be needed at both meetings, krummhorns on October 24 and dulcien on November 7. Also, the meeting on November 7 will involve all of the instruments called for in the holiday concert, including solo oboe, organ and timpani. I encourage everyone to attend this meeting and take advantage of the opportunity to rehearse the scheduled music with all of the parts covered.

Wednesday, October 24 MPRO Rehearsal
Mozart, Fugue in D minor
Dufay, La dolce vista
Josquin: El Grillo
Corelli, Concerto Op. 3, No. 3
Wednesday, November 7 MPRO Rehearsal
Schmelzer: Sonata con aire
Albinoni: Adagio
Corelli, Concerto Op. 3, No. 3

I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming meetings.

Fred Palmer


On Saturday, December 8, the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra will present a concert at Grace Lutheran Church, 3149 Waverley Street in Palo Alto at 2:00 P.M. The program will feature an Adagio by Albinoni with Nicholas Vigil, oboe soloist, a fugue by Mozart from his Requiem Mass K. 626, the Concerto Op.3, No. 3 by Arcangelo Corelli, an Italian song by Guillaume Dufay, a frottola by Josquin des Prez and a serenade by Schmelzer. Admission is free, and the location of this concert is wheelchair accessible. The Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra is an affiliate of the San Francisco Early Music Society. For further information please call Frederic Palmer at 650-591-3648.

Looking for Consort

New member Lois Ario would be interested in joining a consort meeting on a regular basis (anytime). She plays all size recorders plus alto/tenor krummhorns. Contact Lois at (408) 365-1286, loisaalbq@yahoo.com


Anthony Jackson Tony Jackson was born in Louisiana. Music played a major role throughout his early schooling. He had piano lessons from age 6 to 13. He played Alto Sax in the marching band in high school. While a premed student at Fisk University in Tennessee he sang in the choir. After college and medical school he worked his private practice of Internal Medicine with a specialty in Cardiology from 1967 to 1997.

After Tony's practice became well established, he returned to music in 1973, taking up, of all things, the accordion! He took lessons on that instrument for 10 years! When his neighbors began picketing his home bearing signs which read "Play the Accordion and go to Jail" he decided playing with groups might be safer! So, in 1984, Tony started recorder lessons at the Albany Adult school under Frances Feldon. He joined MPRO in or about 1985, and served as its president from 2003 to 2006. In addition to music, Tony enjoys sailing and birding locally, and as far away as Ecuador and Venezuela.


Don’t forget MPRO’s Fall Workshop on Saturday, October 27th at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto (505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto). Frances Blaker will be leading us. How can you tell if you are playing renaissance or baroque music? Frances will tell us.

Cost for members of MPRO, SFEMS, and ARS is $35 by October 20; $37 after October 20. Cost for non-members is $39 by October 20; $41 after October 20. Make checks payable to MPRO and mail with your name and address to Mary Carrigan, 420 Crestlake Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132. Music and snacks provided. Bring your lunch, instruments and a music stand. Call Mary at (415) 664-9050 for further information.