Happy 2002 to each of you! And we're off, to the second half of our year. We ended our fall with a good (or so I've heard), and well attended concert; and with a party and wonderful eats at Fred Kamphoefner's warmly decorated home.
The Orchestra starts gearing up for its June concert with its first meeting of the new year, on Jan. 9th. TISH BERLIN conducts our winter WORKSHOP on JAN. 26. The MPRO ensemble begins its rehearsals on the 16th of January in preparation for making a fundraising video. SHIRA KAMMEN is our guest conductor on Apr. 17.
This issue of UPBEAT contains Consort Chair George Greenwood's report. As most of you know, a consort is a small instrumental or vocal ensemble. According to The Norton/Grove Concise Encyclopedia of Music (1994) the term refers to those playing music composed before 1700. Since J.S. Bach died in 1750, those of you who are in ensembles which play any of his works composed after 1700 are not technically a consort, so I guess you can call yourselves anything you want. (A practice many or our groups have adopted, as you can see from the titles in George's report.) Ensembles of mixed instruments such as cornettos, sackbutts, crumhorns, shawms, etc. are called broken consorts. (Perhaps because it breaks your chops to play any of those things?)
Enough of trying to be funny. In order to be listed as an MPRO consort, only one of the consort members must also be a member of MPRO. It's great fun to play in a small group, and the greatest satisfaction comes if most or all members play all four (SATB) recorders. However, when I first joined an ensemble I played only S and A, and the other members of my group (the Crones) were most patient while I stumbled through the learning process on Tenor, then Bass. So, be brave, contact George, and he'll try to line you up with a group!
Don’t forget the MPRO Workshop with Letitia Berlin on Saturday, January 26, 2002. For information see last month’s UpBeat, or phone Mary Carrigan at (415) 664-9050.
Dear members of the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra,
Listed below is the music for the orchestra's next two meetings of the orchestra. Please note that krummhorn players will be needed for the meeting on February 6. There will also be a rehearsal for the MPRO Ensemble on Wednesday, January 16 at 7:30 P.M. Only those who have volunteered to take part in the March video recording of the orchestra need attend this rehearsal. Music and part assignments for the selections below are available at the meeting on January 9. Those returning to the MPRO Ensemble from previous seasons will want to use the copies of the music they have from past performances.
January 23
Landini: Che pena è quest'al cor
Margolis: Recorder Quartet
Vejvanovsky: Serenada
February 6
Lassus: Matona mia cara
Brahms: Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen
Soderino: L'Angelina
Haydn: Divertimento in F, Finale
I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming meetings and working on this exciting and wonderful music with you. Please let any of your friends who play early instruments know about the orchestra's varied activities and invite them to attend an MPRO meeting, workshop or concert.
(To report corrections or updates, contact George Greenwood, [SEE WRITTEN NEWSLETTER FOR PHONE NUMBER])
MPRO members are playing in the following Consorts:
The Irving Avenue Consort
Friday Friends
The Cupertino Crones
South Bay Baroque
Palo Alto Early Music Group
Tuesday Evenings Group
Belmont Ensemble
Belmonth Quartet
Saturday Mornings Group
The Wembleys
Portola Valley Consort
The Cat’s Meow/Los Gatos
Linsenberg Ensemble
*Denotes MPRO member
Members wishing to join or form consorts:
Anne-Marie Wiggers, SATB, crumhorns, Intermediate Level
Nicholas Vigil, S,T,Gb, Oboe, English Horn
Abbey Eller, SATB, Intermediate Level