I am a: New Member wishing to Join MPRO. (New members for the 2023-24 season get a 50% discount first year).
Current Member, renewing my membership.
Current Member, updating my records.



Phone: home

E-mail address:

Membership Type:
Participating member ($160.00 dues. Participate in meetings and concerts, have workshop registration priority.)
Student member ($60.00 dues, for younger participating members who are students in school, grades 4-12.)
Associate member ($40.00 dues. Receives newsletter and member discount for workshops and special events.)
Interest-only list (Interested in receiving Concert and Workshop notifications).

Scholarship assistance is available.

Recorders I can play in performances (list in order of preference):

Other instruments/vocal parts I can play in performances:

Other performance experience:

To join the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra, please fill out and submit this form, and then print out a copy and bring it with your check to the next MPRO rehearsal!